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Dear Member or Potential Member,

“Empowering voters. Defending democracy.” The mission statement of the League of Women Voters is succinct but critical. The League continues to advocate for voting rights for our citizens in a climate where legislative restrictions are making voting more difficult. League continues to advocate for the Equal Rights Amendment to the US Constitution at a time when women’s rights are under attack. League continues the fight for women’s reproductive health care at a time when the Supreme Court has stated the right to privacy and control over medical decisions regarding a woman's body is no longer a woman’s Constitutional right. And League continues to advocate for sensible gun laws at a time when the “right to bear arms” is interpreted as all-encompassing and the U.S. leads the world in numbers of guns and numbers of mass shootings. Please consider joining or renewing your membership to LWV. We thrive in our march to defend democracy when membership grows. Dues will remain at $75 per member, and $112.50 for a household membership. Student membership is free. Dues are not tax deductible, but they do provide you with membership to national, state, and local Leagues. When joining, please be sure to include your name(s), postal address, email address, and preferred phone number. A check can be sent to LWVMDM, P.O. Box 65095, West Des Moines, IA 50265, or you can join on-line at


Teresa Bomhoff, President

and the LeagueofWomenVotersof Metro Des Moines Board of Directors


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